Inner Peace

I’m still in my way to find my own inner peace. A situation when I can sincerely smiling and feeling happy. Even for other people happiness. A day when there isn’t a single jealousy for whoever it is. A time when I can radiate happiness for every single person I meet.

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First and foremost, I’d like to write an apology, especially to myself who already getting so worked up with the situation and my colleague at work. Maybe it was due to my hormonal situation that I’m getting so emotional today and exude anger even to the one who doesn’t know a thing about my problem. I don’t wanna say that I was fully at fault but I don’t wanna blame other people either. I don’t even gonna tell you what had happened today because it was so exhausting to me.

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Ongka Malino : Supervision !

For such a newbie, I feel like it’s a really great honor to be able to do supervision. Thing that usually just the upper man did. But, because this year I got to be one of the instructor in this big events, I can finally have this chance. Actually, I was a bit nervous. Because you have to do a supervision all by yourself and my assigned destination was a bit far from the city. But, I got all of my worries out of my head. And prepared myself for this grand assignment. 😀

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