Luwuk : Kota Berair

Lantaran kondisi kota Palu yang masih belum sepenuhnya pulih, banyak kegiatan-kegiatan provinsi Sulawesi Tengah yang dialihkan ke kota Luwuk. Yap, rumah ke sekianku, tempat di mana papa tumbuh besar. Termasuk pula kegiatan akbar Rapat Koordinasi KSK serta evaluasi kegiatan statistik yang mengundang hingga dua ratus lebih pegawai BPS se-Sulawesi Tengah. Bisa dibayangkan lah ya seramai apa kegiatan ini.

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There will always are people who feel like they are superior than you. But, it doesn’t mean that you are inferior. There will always are people who feel like they know much more things than you, and they just capable on doing much better in the areas that you lack. But it’s seriously doesn’t change your worth.

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