Wanita Berkarir Surga

Judul : Wanita Berkarir Surga

Penulis : Felix Y. Siauw

Penerbit : Alfatih Press

Jumlah Halaman : 181


Apakah wanita harus setara dengan pria?

Sebuah pertanyaan retoris yang diajukan oleh ustadz Felix di awal buku ini. Setiap orang pasti punya jawabannya masing-masing mengenai pertanyaan ini. Akan ada yang menjawab dengan yakin ‘Ya, tentu saja’. Termasuk saya salah satunya. Lebih lanjut dalam buku ini, orang-orang yang menjawab seperti ini dapat dengan mudah dikategorikan sebagai golongan pendukung Feminisme.

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So, I had this option back then when I just graduated from college. I had an opportunity to stay in the capital city of this country and worked there. I know almost all of my friends wanted this opportunity but it just didn’t come to everyone. But, I also had this option to comeback to my hometown even though it’s not exactly where my family lived.

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Almost all over my life, I always have goals for everything. In my school days, I always had these specific goals. I wrote them on my diary, and it was just very fascinating when I read back those books and find out that 90% of my goals, my dream I wrote there were already comes true. I mean, I had these goals which is most of the time I didn’t tell anyone about this. I just kept it to myself within the process and it’s very fulfilling when they came true one by one.

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