
Years passed and I still can feel this same pain. The feeling of betrayal. I don’t know. Even if I’ve been trying my hardest not to feel too attached to others, it’s still be. And the tears just come down like years before.

I think that’s right. That saying. That the person who will hurt you the most are the person who brought so much happiness into you. Sometimes, it’s our fault for letting ourself had a high expectation for someone. When in the reality, that’s not their intention to fulfill our expectation. 

Love can fade and so do friendship. Either it’s me who changed or her, there is no one to blame. The world change and that is it suppose to do. 


I am such a big liar. Should I say it like that? Actually that’s not a big lie. But a lie is just a lie. And I just can’t find the reason why I did that lie. 

Why is it so hard for me to be honest sometimes? I just keep telling lies even if my deepest heart hate it so much. And so I just hate myself. 

I hate me who suffer because of myself. I hate me who keep hiding my true self