
Mencintai itu bukan hal yang mudah

Tidak pernah mudah

Selalu harus ada upaya

Untuk mengagumi,  memerhatikan dan membahagiakan

Untuk mendengarkan, memahami dan menghargai

Juga harus selalu ada ruang

Untuk kecewa, luka dan sakit hati

Juga untuk perasaan cemburu


There is no one in this large world who perfectly fit our personality to the extent that there is no even a single misunderstanding. We are human and we were created differently. Even with this big amount of people living, there is no one who can completely understand our mind.

That’s why in every relationship, we cannot avoid fights, misunderstandings and realize it or not we hurt each other. Sometimes this kind of thing makes me think once again, are these people really the people I want to be with? Is this relationship really worth to be maintained?

I know the answer is yes when after all of the problems that happened, we try hard to get back. We try hard to cool down our emotion just to prevent our self to hurt the others more.  We forgive and heal the wound in our own heart.

After all, we are  human. We make mistakes and we learn.


In life that full of people, it’s really easy to feel overshadowed by someone’s personality, especially when we are still in the process of learning and finding our own personality. The people around us always looks like they already know what they want and what’s good for their life. That in some points, give us influence of how they made their decision. And even in some points, forcing us to follow what they think.

Sometimes, I hate my myself for being too easy to deal with, too often doubting my own decision. I mean, this is my life. Why do other people have the importance to make a decision for me? And why do I feel the need to follow what they said? When in the end of the day, it’s me who finally live this life. Continue reading

One Month Blogging Challenge – Day 5 (My Family : My Brothers)


Since I already wrote about my sister in the previous post, now I want to write about my brothers. I have two younger brothers who literally complete our family that just consisted of two daughters before.

Let me tell you about my first younger brother. He was born in 2001, when I was in my first grade in elementary school. That was the end of my enjoyment being the last child in the family. But I don’t mind cause he was cute. He was our lovely brother who sometimes brought by my aunt to the school and made our school friends felt excited because a baby visited the school. Hahaha. At the time, we live quite near from the school.

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Kalau ini adalah soal waktu,

Maka aku berlepas tangan

Aku tidak tahu banyak

Kecuali bahwa ia bersama-sama dengan jarak

Adalah pencipta kerinduan

Happy Little Soul

Judul : Happy Little Soul

Penulis :  @retnohening

Penerbit : Gagas Media

Jumlah Halaman : 200


Menjadi ibu adalah tentang jatuh cinta setiap hari kepada anak dan suami, tentang belajar bersabar tiada henti, dan tentang menguji keikhlasan yang dimiliki.

Siapa sih yang tidak kenal Kirana, seleb instagram kecil yang menggemaskan dan ibuk-nya @retnohening? Sekarang saja follower instagram dari ibuk @retnohening sudah mencapai 827 ribu. Hampir satu juta.

Kenapa ibuk @retnohening dan anaknya ini begitu populer? Saya pernah berpikiran seperti ini saat pertama kali teman memperkenalkan saya dengan Kirana. Saat itu teman saya mem-follow ibuk @retnohening dengan menggunakan akun saya dan merekomendasikan saya untuk menonton video-videonya. Apa sih yang spesial dari gadis kecil ini?

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One Month Blogging Challenge – Day 4 (My Family : My Sister)

As I say before, I have an older sister and two younger brothers. My sister is just two years older than me so literally I can say that we grew together, got the same for almost every things we had. I mean, our parents always bought two similar items either it’s toys or clothes for both of us. Then, my first younger brother born when I was five and my youngest brother born three years later.

First, I would talk about my sister. We are siblings but not similar. From our appearance, you would barely know that we are siblings. My sister got a really fair skin and so skinny in the past while I have brown skin and a bit chubby. And so, I didn’t feel surprised when almost every of her friends asked me if I was really her sister when I got into the same middle school with her. But, that was really annoying. Haha, at least at that age, I felt really annoyed. That’s why at the end, I chose to not entered the same high school with her.

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Judul : Almustafa

Penulis : Kahlil Gibran

Penerjemah : Sapardi Djoko Damono

Penerbit : Bentang Pustaka

Jumlah Halaman : 115


Kau hanya memberi sedikit saja kalau kau memberikan milikmu. Hanya jika kau memberikan dirimulah, kau benar-benar telah memberi.

Kutipan ini pertama kali saya temukan di buku karangan Paulo Coelho yang berjudul Sang Penyihir dari Portobello. Dalam buku itu, beberapa kali Coelho memang mengutip potongan syair dari penyair ternama dunia, Kahlil Gibran. Dan beberapa hari yang lalu, betapa bahagianya saya menemukan buku Kahlil Gibran yang berisi kutipan ini di toko buku.

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