One Month Blogging Challenge – Day 3 (My Family : My Parents)

So, it’s time to write about my family. Yeah. As I say family, actually for me family doesn’t just means father, mother, sister and brothers. But, all of the member of the big family. Since our houses really built side by side and we grow together, we become really close. So, I have so many uncles, aunts and cousins to spending time with in the past.

But, I want to start my story with my small family consists of my father, my mother, my elder sister and my younger brothers. There are 6 of us and I always really thankful to be born in this family. As I grow up, I feel like our family atmosphere is really good. We had our own activities but always could set aside time to gather in the family room at the afternoon, eat fried bananas and talk about so many thing.

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One Month Blogging Challenge – Day 2 (My Personality)

The second topic of my One Month Blogging Challenge is supposed to be about my personality. But I am a bit confuse about what to write because I feel like I still couldn’t understand my personality well. So, I decide to just try to explain it based on what I think about my self, even if I know the people who know me maybe have a different perspective.

When I was a kid, I used to be a talkative and cute little girl. Haha, seems like I just brag about myself. But, you know it’s my opinion. Despite of that, I can easily cried or got angry if something not done my way. And this kind of  behavior that I tried to get rid of in my puberty years.

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One Month Blogging Challenge – Day 1 (10 Facts About Me)

So, I am back at it again after a long hiatus of my English learning process. Actually, it wasn’t that long. But yeah, I stopped writing for like two months due to some problems that I have to deal with. It was so stressing so I just couldn’t push myself to keep my consistency on write something in this blog.

And after blog walking for a while, I found out about a challenge called ‘One Month Blogging Challenge’ from Cheila’s blog, one of blogs I follow and enjoy to read. I think it can be a good idea to starting write in English again with following this challenge. So, starting from today, I would like to write out my story based on this challenge’s topics. I hope it can be a fun learning process.

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Jakarta : Ulang Tahun Ucik

Menurut buku The Secret,  sel-sel tubuh manusia senantiasa beregenerasi hingga menjadi tubuh yang sama sekali berbeda dan baru dalam satu dua tahun. Itulah sebabnya kita harus selalu merayakan hari ulang tahun seperti merayakan hari ulang tahun pertama. Karena bilangan umur tidak berarti banyak, kiasan tua dari setiap angka tersebut kita sendiri yang menciptakan. Terkadang, kita sendiri yang menyebut diri tua padahal untuk selalu menjadi dan merasa muda kita sendiri yang harus yakin bahwa kita masih muda.

Mungkin itulah kenapa orang-orang berhenti menaruh angka pada lilin untuk ulang tahun setelah tujuh belas. Agar senantiasa merasa muda. And that’s nothing  wrong with it. Apa pun itu, meskipun secara bilangan umurmu sekarang dua puluh satu, semoga tidak perlu merasa masa remaja sudah berlalu hanya karena ada angka dua di depan bilangan umur.

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Hei, kamu.

Jodohmu pasti datang, kok.

Ya kalau bukan hari ini berarti di hari yang lain.

Kalau bukan di sini berarti di tempat yang lain.

Dan kalau bukan dia berarti orang yang lain.

Patah Hati

Bahwa hidup utamanya selalu hanya tentang dua hal. Bernapas dan mengagumi. Selama hidup, mudah sekali bagi manusia untuk menjadi kagum.  Kita kagum dengan apa yang kita lihat dan apa yang kita dengar. Juga apa yang kita rasakan. Terkadang, perasaan kagum itu tumbuh terlalu besar hingga menimbulkan harap juga kecewa. Di tahap ini, perasaan ini benar-benar bisa menyakiti meski bukan secara fisik. Inilah yang mereka sebut patah hati.