My First English Post

So, after searching and browsing in this wordpress world and find so many good blogs written in English, I decide to learn write in this language too. Even though I never get the proper and complete lessons about English, I would try to do it anyway. In a blog I have visited, there is a saying that I have to express myself using the language I want to learn. So I think, it’s a good thing to start writing blog in English.

Talking about English, I remember my first experience with this language. This happened back when my older sister going to middle school and start joined a private English lesson. She was smart so she can use the common words in English easily. At the time, she wrote her diary almost everyday and I loved to read that in secret. One day, she found out about my secret activity. She got mad at me and started to hide her diary so I couldn’t read it anymore. But I really liked it so I just searched everywhere in her room and finally knew the secret place where she hide the diary.

She began to thought how to made me stop reading her diary. And she ended up with the idea of wrote them in English. Of course she just could wrote it in English for some words and let the rest written in Bahasa. But I couldn’t found out what she was talking about in her diary. At the time, I thought that I really wanted to learn this language. I wanted to understood just what are she wrote with this foreign language.

I was in the elementary school when I started my self-study of English. There was a book for the elementary school exam preparation that had English narration in them. And there was a huge English-Indonesian dictionary that belonged to my aunt who was an English teacher. With a little notebook, I started my journey to get close to English. In every narration text I found, I started to find out the meaning of every word and wrote them in my notebook.

I always felt the excitement when I found a word that I have found out before. The fact that I knew the meaning  of that word and didn’t need to open my dictionary really amazed me. And the fact that I finally could understood the whole sentence brought me happiness. After that journey, I could finally understood some common words in English and be able to communicate with her in daily life with a simple English.

Overall, I think it’s a good way to approach English. Then my journey with this language continued in my middle school. At the time, I took the same English private lesson which my sister attend before. But it didn’t last long. There was something happened that made this class stop before ended. So at the end I couldn’t be as good as my sister.

I will continue this story later. If there are some mistakes in my writing, please write a comment since it will help me in improve my English. Thank you 🙂


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